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Anime Mother Simulator dodano 13 Mar 2024 42 przeprowadzonych rozgrywek 1 gracz, Symulacje, 3D, Dom, Unity3D, WebGL

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Opis gry:

In this simulator you can fully experience all the tasks of a mother. You have to play as a girl who has a loving husband and children who love to help their parents. You will need to take care of yourself, your children and your husband. You have a large house, a car and a central city at your disposal. Clean, cook, watch the kids, travel to the supermarket, buy groceries. Enjoy playing this game here at Y8.com!

Sterowanie gry

The goal of the game is to go through the stages of pregnancy and raise a healthy baby.
Control on a mobile device: touch/swipe.
PC controls: WASD - movement, Mouse - camera.

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