Daj serduszko
Blonde Sofia: Geisha dodano 16 Jul 2024 5 przeprowadzonych rozgrywek 1 gracz, Garderoba, Dopasowywanie, HTML5, Stylizacja / Makijaż, Mobilne, Ekran dotykowy, Z Zapisem Y8, Zrzut ekranu Y8, Osiągnięcia Y8, Blonde Sofia

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Opis gry:

Blonde Sofia: Geisha invites you into the enchanting world of Sofia as she transforms into a graceful Geisha. Immerse yourself in the art of beauty as you design Sofia's makeup, style her hair, and dress her in elegant kimono or yukata attire. Once Sofia is adorned in traditional splendor, engage in the ancient games of Tosenkyo, where your aim determines victory, and Shogi, the strategic chess-like challenge. Experience the blend of cultural immersion and gameplay in this captivating addition to the Blonde Sofia series.

Sterowanie gry

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