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Enigma Intrusion dodano 13 Nov 2020 230 przeprowadzonych rozgrywek Logiczne, 1 gracz, Ucieczka, WebGL, Myślenie

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Opis gry:

Enigma Intrusion is a horror escape game. You play as a character trapped in a room and must figure out the truth to escape the approaching horrors. Explore the room and any object you can find to find out the truth and escape the room. The characters and events depicted in this game are all fictitious only. Enjoy playing Enigma Intrusion escape game here at Y8.com!

Sterowanie gry

Left click / Drag / Hover to interact
Drag item to area of interest/ drag item to each other to combine
Pressing on A button from right top will provide you tips.
It can be used every 60 seconds.

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