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FNF Kissing dodano 20 Nov 2021 425 przeprowadzonych rozgrywek 1 gracz, Ruchy myszką, Śmieszne, Muzyczne, Miłość, Romans, Android, HTML5, Mobilne, iPhone, iPad, Ekran dotykowy, Bitent, Stuk, FNF

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Opis gry:

Friday Night Funkin' Kissing is a fun game of kissing featuring the famous characters of FNF. The Boyfiend and Girlfriend have fallen head over heels in love. They can't wait for the concert to end so they try to kiss on stage. But their colleagues don't like them kissing instead of supporting them during the concert you must try to fill their love and not get caught. Use the right mouse button for the two lovers to start kissing. Remember, bandmates are not forgiving at all. Three levels full of adrenaline await you. If the first level is easier, the following levels are harder to complete. Fill as many hearts as possible and try to get all hearts to unlock the next level. Enjoy playing this catchy kissing game here at Y8.com!

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