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Funny Shooter Bro dodano 27 Jun 2024 1 przeprowadzonych rozgrywek 1 gracz, Ulepszanie ekwipunku, Ruchy myszką, Zabijanie, Strzelanki pierwszoosobowe, Broń, Unity3D, WebGL

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Opis gry:

Funny Shooter Bro is a web-based FPS game where humor meets high-stakes action. In this game, you’ll face off against quirky enemies known as Redmen, who are notoriously hostile towards strangers. With a cartoonish art style and wacky sound effects, this game puts a light-hearted spin on the traditional first-person shooter. As you start the game, you are dropped into a vividly designed map armed only with your trusty weapon. Your primary task is to navigate through the town, where every corner could hide a new threat. The Redmen are vigilant and will attack in droves with their sticks at the first sight of an intruder. Enjoy playing this first person shooter game here at Y8.com!

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