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Garage Apocalypse dodano 27 Aug 2018 216 przeprowadzonych rozgrywek 1 gracz, Zombie, Zabijanie, 3D, Broń, WebGL, Survival horror

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Dziękujemy, Twój głos został zapisany i niebawem będzie widoczny.
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Dzienny limit głosów został wykorzystany.
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Głosuj: Czy spodobała Ci się ta gra?

Opis gry:

In the distant world, the end of the world came and the third world war began. Our character was able to hide in the garage and survive it all. But the trouble is that all the dead people rebelled as a zombie. Now we are in the game Garage Apocalypse will have to help our character survive. He will be in the garage where the car is. With the help of a special toolbar you can help him to do repairs. Also pay attention to the doors and windows and if you need to repair them. If your garage is attacked by a zombie, you will need to use your weapon. Point your way at the zombies and shoot them accurately with a pistol.

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