Daj serduszko
Kevin the Can dodano 15 May 2020 132 przeprowadzonych rozgrywek 1 gracz, Platformowe, Woda, HTML5

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Przepraszamy, wystąpił niespodziewany błąd. Spróbuj zagłosować ponownie później.
Głosuj: Czy spodobała Ci się ta gra?

Opis gry:

Kevin is a humble watering can living a calm life in a country side cottage. One day, a near disaster happened! The flowers around the cottage are in danger of drying up! Fortunately, there is water leaking from the eaves! Collect that water and deliver it to the flowers before it’s too late! Explore 3 different environments, save all the flowers as fast as you can and fight for the leader boards!

Sterowanie gry

Arrow keys or WASD to move, space to release water. Save all the plants to complete the level. R to restart, N for next level.

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