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Math Rocket dodano 07 Apr 2021 198 przeprowadzonych rozgrywek Logiczne, 1 gracz, Edukacyjne, Dla dzieci, Matematyczne, Kosmos, Statki kosmiczne, Ruchy myszką, Przeszkody, HTML5, Mobilne, Ekran dotykowy, Myślenie

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Opis gry:

Math Rocket is a math game combined with a vertical flight game. Fly through space in this cute rocket ship that is trying to get as far away as it can. There are many obstacles in the way like satellites, meteor showers, and other debris in the vast sky. Hit something in outer space and you lose one life. Your objective is to reach as far as you can while also collecting stars along the way. On top of this fun vertical flight game, you get to practice your math skills.

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