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Moon Moon Returns (9.93 MB) dodano 23 Feb 2016 184 przeprowadzonych rozgrywek 1 gracz, Flash, Ruchy myszką

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Głosuj: Czy spodobała Ci się ta gra?

Opis gry:

Welcome to Moon Moon Returns. The goal of this game is to bounce your moon back up to the stars. The sad part is, no matter how far he goes, he can never reach home. Depressing thought of the day! Moving on. You start on the ground and slowly bounce your moon higher and higher attempting to unlock new moons and characters as well as proving to your friends that you can moon moon better than they can. Because seriously, who doesn't want to be able to moon the best! Think about it.

Sterowanie gry

Begin by clicking inside the flashing box under the moon. Once you have clicked, the moon will release and you must bounce it upwards while keeping your mouse inside the box. This game is built for mobile devices and would utilize a finger to slide around the box at all times.

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