Daj serduszko
Neon Rider dodano 13 Jun 2024 4 przeprowadzonych rozgrywek 1 gracz, Pułapki, Platformowe, Ruchy myszką, Motocykle, Przeszkody, Kaskaderskie, Z widokiem z boku, Android, HTML5, Mobilne, iPhone, iPad, Ekran dotykowy, Adrenalina, Sporty ekstremalne

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Opis gry:

Ride, rotate, and rule the neon world in Neon Rider - the ultimate 2D motorbike game! Neon Rider is an electrifying 2D game where you control a motorbike on a neon obstacle course. Perform tricks mid-air to rack up points, with perfect landings earning you even more. Dodge obstacles, collect batteries for a fire mode, and fly through the stage for maximum points. Your goal? To go as far as possible in this neon-lit adventure! So start riding the Neon Ride of your life in Neon Rider! Enjoy playing this motorbike adventure game here at Y8.com!

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