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ReSail dodano 27 Aug 2020 235 przeprowadzonych rozgrywek 1 gracz, Ruchy myszką, Woda, Przeszkody, 3D, Łodzie, WebGL, Fizyka

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Opis gry:

ReSail is a fun game of boat competition in the ocean! Control the seas in a boat competition to help them reach the goal. It's the most fun race and with very realistic characteristics! In ReSail, you control the trajectory of the boats by controlling the wind direction to move the boat! The boat will face various turbulence and obstacles along the way! Participate in the sailing regatta of the 20th century. Control the wind and weather to help all the boats reach the finish line in this fun yet challenging game with really realistic 3d graphics. In this fun game, it has different obstacles such as rocks, hurricanes that appear at any time in the middle of the sea, and much more. How many boats can you guide and deliver to the destination? Enjoy this fun boat game here at Y8.com!

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