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Strike Breakout dodano 02 Jul 2024 9 przeprowadzonych rozgrywek 1 gracz, Krew, Zabijanie, Terroryści, Strzelanki pierwszoosobowe, Broń, WebGL

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Opis gry:

Strike Breakout is an intense rescue mission game where you're part of a specialized team sent to save the President and his security officers. You ride shotgun with a skilled helicopter pilot as you embark on a series of 10 nail-biting missions. Each mission drops you into enemy territory where you must stealthily navigate through enemy defenses, neutralize threats, and rescue the hostages. Enjoy playing Strike Breakout FPS game here at Y8.com!

Sterowanie gry

Left Mouse to Shot - Right Mouse button for Scope - E to Pick UP and rescue - 1,2,3,4,5 to change weapon

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