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The Flower Seeker (1.74 MB) dodano 28 Feb 2013 583 przeprowadzonych rozgrywek 1 gracz, Flash, Ukryte przedmioty

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Opis gry:

If you love flowers, probably you are going to enjoy in this relaxing game where you can see nice pictures of certain kind of flowers that are rare in the world. There are 5 levels and in each level you can see different flowers such as ‘Chocolate Cosmos’, ‘Campion’, ‘Ghost Orchid’, ‘Koki'o' and ’Middlemist Red’.

Sterowanie gry

Play the role of flower seeker by using your mouse left button. When you spot a flower, just click on that flower. On the bottom side it is written the name of the flower and the number point to how many flowers of that kind you need to look for.

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