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The Grand Grimoire Chronicles Episode 4 dodano 29 Jul 2020 164 przeprowadzonych rozgrywek Logiczne, 1 gracz, Ruchy myszką, Detektywistyczne, HTML5, Myślenie, Piksel

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Opis gry:

You're being sent to Wolrisdon to write about the old village, but upon arriving you discover a police presence, leading to the curious case of Elizabeth Beck. It used to be an old village, abandoned, to be purposefully flooded and turned into a reservoir. Now, the drought has revealed the historic village that stood there. But, after an unseasonably warm spring, with weeks of extremely dry weather across the country, the water levels in Wolrisdon Reservoir have dropped to unprecedented levels. This is a point and click adventure where you must explore, use objects and solve puzzles in order to get to the solve all this mystery.

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