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Zentangle Coloring Book dodano 09 Oct 2022 20 przeprowadzonych rozgrywek 1 gracz, Ruchy myszką, Kolorowanki, HTML5, Mobilne, Ekran dotykowy

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Opis gry:

All children love to draw and color. It develops the brain and calms the nerves. Meet the original coloring in the Zentagle technique! This style was invented in 2006. Drawings in this style usually consist of some kind of repeating patterns. Many patterns can be combined in one drawing, and the technique itself is quite free and intuitive. Anyone can master it. Features of the Zentagle technique: meditativeness and composition of a whole from repeating patterns. In this coloring, the figures of owls are used as the basis. It is perfect for both children and adults. Take a screenshot and share the result with your friends!

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